Per Julie "I
Previously Had Seren's Childhood Worship and Respectful Adult Opinion" Andrews, Cameron Diaz would make the best Maria in a remake of
The Sound of Music. could use this space to wax poetic on all the things I don't like about Cameron Diaz. Just to start: #1: Single skill consists of acting more sincere than she is in real life, which is why she's so likeable as Princess Fiona, because the animators gave her more facial expression and range than she has in reality. #2: She's like Julie Roberts in that, every time I see she's in another movie, by reflex I think of twelve or thirteen more talented actresses who would not have been a great, big black hole of suck in that role. #3, God, she's smug. Isn't she smug? And now she's forcing Justin Timberlake on us in various supporting roles in her movies. (MeiMei adds by phone: And she can't sing.)
But you know all this for yourselves, don't you?
Basically, I'm not sad because someone has suggested Ms. Diaz for a wildly inappropriate role beyond the limited scope of her "talents" -- that happens on a daily basis in Hollywood. I'm sad because now I'll have to boycott
Victor, Victoria every time it's on cable. Why, I ask you, why must I be punished for other people's idiocy?